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  1. Name                      
  2. Office                     
  3. Objects                  
  4. Membership           
  5. Delegates               
  6. Voting Powers        
  7. Presidential Officers                    
  8. Structure of the Council                    
  9. Executive Committee Members                      
  10. Vacancies                      
  11. Officials of the Council                      
  12. Council Meetings                      
  13. Executive Committee                   
  14. Powers of Council                     
  15. Powers of Executive Committee                      
  16. Quorum                      
  17. International Competition                      
  18. Honorary Life Members                     
  19. Annual Subscriptions                      
  20. Statistical Return                      
  21. Laws of the Sport Governing Bowls                     
  22. By-Laws                      
  23. Appeals                    
  24. Power to Borrow                     
  25. Power to Deal with Property                      
  26. Power to Invest                      
  27. Power to Insure                      
  28. Indemnity                      
  29. Alterations to Constitution                     
  30. Dissolution                    
  31. Matters not Provided For                     
  32. Repeals and Savings                                                     




  1. NAME

The name of the organisation shall be The International Indoor Bowls Council, hereafter referred to as the Council. The Council shall affiliate to World Bowls Limited and shall comply with the World Bowls Limited Constitution, Articles of Association and Regulations.



The Office of the Council shall be the residence or business address of the Secretary/Treasurer, to whom all correspondence by the Council shall be forwarded.



         The objects of the Council shall be as follows:


a).      To promote, foster and safeguard the Indoor Code of the Sport of Bowls throughout the world and to encourage the growth of the sport on a world-wide basis.


b).      To formulate the Regulations of the Indoor Code of Bowls in conjunction with World Bowls Limited, which will apply to all games played under the auspices of the Council and to add to or revise  Regulations as and when required.


c).      To be responsible for the promotion and organisation of World Championships in conjunction with World Bowls Limited in which the only qualifications for participating players will be as follows:

i. That they are currently affiliated to their National Member Authority.

ii. They meet World Bowls Limited international representation eligibility criteria as detailed in World Bowls Limited Regulations

iii.      Their National Member Authority are members of one of the classes of Membership detailed in Article 4 Membership.

d).      In conjunction with World Bowls Limited authorise and licence all tournaments involving players from more than one Country and to issue the appropriate licence and approve competition rules.  A separate licence is required for each event.

e).      To continually monitor the position of the International Indoor Bowls Council, consider changes  necessary to ensure that the Council safeguards the rights of all Indoor bowlers, and at the same time ensures that the Council is recognised as a progressive organisation, leading and guiding the development of Indoor Bowls.

f).       Adopt World Bowls Limited Anti-Doping Regulations based on the 2015 WADA Code.

g).      To consider and deal with all matters submitted to the Council in accordance with this Constitution.


The Council, following a recommendation of the Executive to the Annual Meeting may create such classes of membership (with such rights, privileges and obligations) as may be agreed from time to time.

a).      Classes of Membership

1).      Founder Members

The English Indoor Bowling Association, The Association of Irish Indoor Bowls, The Scottish Indoor Bowling Association; and The Welsh Indoor Bowling Association.

2).      Full Members

Full Membership of the Council shall consist of Women’s and Men’s National Bowling Associations subsequently admitted to membership under whose control there are, bowling clubs which play indoor bowls.

3).      Associate Membership

Associate Membership shall consist of National Associations desirous of supporting the Council but who do not meet the requirements laid down for full membership.

4).      Affiliate Membership

Affiliate Membership is available to any properly constituted body, which has a direct involvement in level indoor green bowling other than those identified under categories 1, 2, or 3. This may involve Sports Associations or similar types of bodies. The Council reserve the right to refuse any application for membership, if it is felt that any acceptance of the application would be to the detriment of any National Governing Body involved in the provision of Indoor Code of Bowls

5).      Membership by Invitation

The Council reserve the right to extend invitations to World Bowls Limited Member Authorities and or properly constituted bodies to participate in tournaments and or events organized by the Council. Membership will be for the duration of the tournament or event and such Members will have no voting rights or right to participate in any Council business.

b).      Declaration of Membership

At the date of the adoption of this Constitution, in Countries where a National Association is recognised as a Founder or Full Member of the Council, then the corresponding Women’s/Ladies Indoor Bowling Association, provided that it meets the criteria set out in sub-clause (c) hereof, and so desires, shall be deemed to be a Full Member

c).      Applications for Membership

Applications for Membership of the Council may normally only be submitted by a National Body.

Full Membership will be accorded only to those National Bodies under whose control there is an indoor green of a standard acceptable to the Council, but the Council will encourage Associate Membership.

All applications for membership shall be received by the Secretary/Treasurer not later than ninety (90) clear days before the date fixed for the Annual Meeting of the Council. On receipt of an application for membership, the Secretary/Treasurer shall forthwith notify all Member Associations and the application shall be considered at the next Annual Meeting. The Chairman may, however, direct that any application not received prior to the period of ninety (90) days shall be considered at the next Annual Meeting

d).      Consideration of Applications

Applications properly received and notified to Member Associations under sub-clause 9(c) hereof, shall be considered at the next Annual Meeting, and election to Membership shall be granted if approved by a majority of two – thirds of the votes of the delegates present personally, or by proxy and entitled to vote, provided that it shall not be competent

for the Council to grant membership to more than one National Association and one Womem’s/Ladies National Association; or one joint  National Association within each country.


e).      Resignation of Membership

Any member who wishes to resign from the Council must give at least six (6) months written notice prior to the date of the Annual Meeting otherwise they shall be liable for their subscription for the following year. No resignation shall release the Member Association from any obligation to the Council, monetary or otherwise contracted during membership

f).       Expulsion from Membership

It shall be competent for the Council after due investigation of facts and, if need be, the examination of witnesses and any relevant documentary evidence, to suspend or terminate the membership of any Member Association by a majority of two – thirds of the votes cast by the delegates present personally or by proxy and entitled to vote. No suspension or expulsion shall be considered by any Annual or Special General Meeting of the Council unless the Secretary/Treasurer shall have dispatched to all Member National Associations not later than sixty (60) days before the date of the meeting prior notice of the proposed consideration of such action.

g).      Provisional Membership

Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 4 (c ), in any case where the Chairman is of the opinion that the circumstances require that urgency be accorded an application for membership, appropriate details shall be forwarded by post or email to all Member Associations.

If favourable replies are received representing a minimum of two – thirds of the total votes cast exercisable by all Associations, The Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer shall, if they are satisfied that all other usual conditions of membership have been complied with, grant Provisional Membership which shall entitle the National Association concerned to exercise all the powers of Member under this constitution except hold office, nominate officers or take part in any voting. Such Provisional Membership shall be subject to confirmation at the next Annual Meeting of the Council



1).      Each Founder Member and each of the recognised Women’s/Ladies National Associations within these countries shall be entitled to appoint one delegate. If a Founder Member subsequently becomes a Joint National Association within that country, they shall be entitled to appoint one delegate to represent the men and one delegate to represent the women

2).      All other Full Members at the date of the adoption of this Constitution and each of the recognised Women’s/Ladies National Associations within each of these member countries shall each be entitled to appoint one delegate. Member countries whose recognised National Association is Joint shall be entitled to send one delegate to represent the men and one delegate to represent the women.

3).      National Associations desirous of joining the Council, following acceptance will be entitled to appoint one delegate except for Joint National Associations who shall be entitled to appoint one delegate to represent the men and one delegate to represent the women.

4).      The delegates appointed under sub-clause 5 (a) (1) to (3) hereof shall form the Council. Not withstanding that each such, delegate must be a member of a club affiliated to, or under the jurisdiction of, the National Association he/she is appointed to represent, and his/her appointment shall be in such manner and for such period as the National Association decides.

5).      Any National Association which is accepted as an Associate Member may appoint one delegate who may attend Council Meetings and will have a right to speak but not hold office, nominate officers, propose or second motions, or be entitled to vote.

6).      Any properly constituted body that becomes an Affiliated Member of the Council may appoint one delegate who may attend Council Meetings and will have a right to speak but not hold office, nominate officers, propose or second motions, or be entitled to vote

b).      Notification of Appointment

The Secretary/Chief Executive Officer of each National Association shall within fourteen (14) days of appointment notify the Secretary/Treasurer of the Council of the name and contact details of each delegate appointed under sub-clause (a) hereof. Each delegate shall be deemed to be and to remain a delegate to the Council until notice of revocation of his/her appointment shall have been received by the Secretary/Treasurer of the Council.

c).      Proxy Delegates

1).      If a delegate is unable to attend a meeting of the Council, the National Association shall be entitled to appoint a Proxy Delegate to attend that meeting and any adjournment thereof. A Proxy Delegate must be a member of a Club affiliated to or under the jurisdiction of any Member National Association. He/she shall have similar powers to the delegate for whom he/she acts, but he/she shall not be qualified to hold any Office on the Council.

2).      The appointment of each Proxy Delegate shall be made in writing with the consent of the nominee endorsed thereon, and shall reach the Secretary/Treasurer of the Council at least twenty four (24) hours before the commencement of the meeting for which the appointment is valid. The instrument of proxy may indicate the extent and manner in which the proxy shall exercise the vote. If no such indication is given, the proxy shall exercise the vote in the manner as he/she deems fit.


Delegates from all Founder and Full Members, whether present personally  or                                by proxy at any general meeting, shall each be entitled to exercise one vote, provided that the exercise of all votes shall be subject to the provisions of Clause 19(d) hereof.


a).      The Presidential Officers shall consist of a President, Vice President and the Immediate Past President.

b).      The incoming Vice President who shall be elected at the Annual Meeting and shall where possible  alternate by gender each year.

c).      The retiring President shall assume the office of Immediate Past President immediately on his/her retirement from the office of President, and shall remain in office as such until his/her successor becomes qualified to hold office, or until he/she ceases to be eligible to remain a delegate, whichever event occurs sooner.

d).      The President shall perform all those duties expected of the Senior Official at all competitions and/or tournaments.

e).      If at any time the President is unable to carry out his/her duties, the Vice President shall act as Deputy President, and he/she shall exercise all the powers vested on the President under this constitution.


Executive Committee

a).      An Executive Committee will manage the Council, which will be responsible for all matters relating to the day to day running of the affairs of the Council which will include the employment and direction of any person deemed necessary to carrying out the responsibilities of the Council. The Committee would on behalf of the Council be empowered to negotiate and finalise any contract or agreement. They will be expected to direct the affairs of the Council to ensure that the Objects set out in Section 3 of this Constitution are achieved.  It will also be responsible for the organisation of, and running of, any competition and/or tournament held in the name of the Council. The Committee would answer to the Annual Meeting of the Council


a).      The Executive Committee shall consist of the Secretary/Treasurer (Non Voting), the President & Vice President with full voting rights plus four (4) members, one from each Founder Member of the International Indoor Bowls Council namely England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales and shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Council.

One of the members will represent the views of other Member Associations.

b).      The Chairman and Deputy Chairman(hereinafter referred to as the Executive Officers) shall be elected at the first meeting of the Committee in accordance with the provisions of Clause 13(a) hereof.

c).      If at any time the Chairman is unable to carry out his/her duties, the Deputy Chairman shall act as Chairman and he/she shall exercise all the powers vested in the Chairman under this Constitution.

d).      Written Nominations duly proposed and seconded by Founder or Full Member Associations for the four(4) positions on the Executive Committee will be accepted at the Annual Meeting of the Council

e).      All Executive Officers and Members shall assume their respective offices and duties at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting at which they were elected.


a).      Executive Committee Members

If the office of Chairman, or Deputy Chairman becomes vacant one of the duly elected Executive Committee shall be appointed by the Committee to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term and a duly qualified delegate may, if it is desired to bring the Committee up to strength, be appointed as an ordinary member of the Committee until the next Annual Meeting.

b).      If the Office of Immediate Past President shall be become vacant for any reason, the position shall not be filled.

c).      If the Office of Secretary/Treasurer, Auditor or any other appointed person becomes vacant between Annual Meetings, the Executive Committee shall have the power to fill the vacancy by way of temporary appointment tenable until the next Annual Meeting.



a).      The Council shall appoint a Secretary/Treasurer on such conditions as it shall determine. The Council may decide to appoint an Assistant

Secretary to the Council and shall make provision for remuneration of such an appointment. Officials shall hold office during the pleasure of the Council, and shall not be entitled to vote unless, they are a duly qualified delegate.

b).      Secretary/Treasurer

The Secretary/Treasurer shall attend all meetings of the Council and the Executive Committee. He/she shall keep and maintain all minutes and records of the Council, conduct all correspondence, maintain a register of all Member National Authorities (with names and contact details of their principal officers) and such other statistical data as may be necessary under this constitution or as directed by the Council. He/she shall prepare and submit to each Annual Meeting a report on all activities since the last Annual Meeting, and shall carry out such secretarial and clerical duties as may be necessary. He/she shall submit to each Annual Meeting a report of the activities of all Committees since the previous Annual Meeting. He/she shall receive and bank all monies belonging to the Council in such Bank as the Council from time to time directs. He/she shall pay all accounts by cheque signed by himself/herself and one such other person appointed by the Council. He/she shall keep a proper record of all financial transactions and have the same balanced to 30th June of each year and have them audited by independent Auditors appointed by the Council. The Secretary/Treasurer is empowered to request assistance from Executive Committee and or Officials in Member National Authorities as and when necessary.

c).      Assistant Secretary

The Council may allocate duties as appropriate to the Assistant Secretary.

d).      In addition to an honorarium the Officials shall be entitled to receive a full refund of all reasonable expenses incurred in travelling to attend Annual, and Special Meetings of the Council and other approved meetings within the guidelines agreed by the Executive Committee.

e).      Tournament Director

The Council may appoint a Tournament Director. The conditions of contract and period of appointment shall be determined by the Executive Committee in advance. The signatories to such contract on behalf of the Council shall be the Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer in Office at the date of signing. If a Tournament Director is appointed he/she will, if required, attend all Meetings with a voice but no vote.

f) .Funds may be made available, and the amount determined at the Annual Meeting to allow the President to be in attendance at bowls events not under the direct control of the Council.



a).      Annual Meetings

The date, time and venue for the Annual Meeting shall be determined by the Executive Committee. A minimum of thirty (30) days written notice shall be given to all Member Associations.

b).      Special General Meeting.

A Special General Meeting of the Council may be called by:

  1. The Chairman.


  1. If requested for the consideration of urgent business by 50% of the Members of the Council. Any such request shall be in writing addressed to the Secretary/Treasurer and shall state full details of the urgent business proposed to be discussed. No business other than that for which the meeting has been called shall be discussed at any Special General Meeting.

Special General Meetings of the Council shall be held any such date, time and venue, decided by the Chairman, after consultation with the Executive Committee.


c).      Remits and Notices of Motion

Remits and Notices of Motion by Member National Authorities must be received in writing by the Secretary/Treasurer in sufficient time that they may be included on the Agenda, and circulated to all the members of the Council sixty (60) days prior to the General Meeting at which they shall be considered. Amendments to the Remits and Notices of Motion must be received by the Secretary/Treasurer at least fifteen (15) days prior to the Meeting.

d).      Meeting Chairman

The President shall chair each Annual, Ordinary and Special General Meeting, and in his/her absence the Executive Chairman shall be Chairman. In the event of neither of these Officers being present, the Meeting shall elect a Chairman, but he/she shall vacate the Chair immediately on the attendance of one or other of these Officers, and the Officer so taking the Chair shall continue as Chairman for the remainder of the Meeting unless the President should later arrive, in which case he/she shall hand over the Chairmanship to the President. The Chairman for the time being shall have a deliberative vote and in the event of an equality of votes, he/she shall have an additional casting vote.

e).      Procedure

  1. On all questions of order the Chairman’s decision shall be final unless dissented from by a two-thirds majority of the votes of those present and entitled to vote.
  1. Unless otherwise expressly provided by the Constitution all questions shall be decided by a simple majority of votes cast and shall be determined by a show of hands, unless it is agreed that a ballot be taken. The total votes for and against the motion or amendment shall be recorded.
  1. No resolution of the Council shall be rescinded until the expiration of twelve (12) calendar months from the date of the meeting at which such resolution was carried except by a unanimous vote of all those present and entitled to vote.
  1. In the absence of the mover of a motion pursuant to remit or notice duly given, it may, by the consent of the meeting, be moved by any other delegate, provided the original mover has not expressed a contrary desire, in which event it shall lapse.

f).       Minutes

The Secretary/Treasurer shall record the proceedings of all Annual and Special Meetings of the Council and incorporate them in the Council Minute Book. As soon as possible after conclusion of each meeting, he/she shall forward a copy of the Minutes to the Secretary/Chief Executive Officer of all Members National Authorities and each delegate.

g).      Order of Business.

Unless otherwise decided by the Meeting, the order of business at each Annual Meeting shall be:

1).      Signing as a correct record the Minutes of the previous Annual, General and Special Meetings since the last Annual Meeting.

2).      Submission of Minutes and/or reports on matters dealt with since the previous Annual Meeting.

3).      Submission of report including the presentation of audited statement of accounts by the Secretary/Treasurer.

4).      Applications for admissions to Membership.

5).      Remits and Notices of Motion for amendment to Constitution.

6).      Remits and Notices of Motion for amendment of  By-Laws.

7).      Appointment of Council Officials

8).      Appointment of independent Auditors.

9).      Appointment of Hon. Life Members (if any).

10).    Appointment of representatives on any other Bodies.

11).    Correspondence (not already covered in any previous item).

12).    Determine amount of travelling expenses (if any) to be paid to delegates.

13).    Fix the amount to be paid by Member National Authorities and other classes of Members for the ensuing year.

14).    Matters connected with International and/or World Tournaments and Visits between National Associations.

15).    Other business of which notice has been given.

16).    Other competent business which may be properly introduced.

17).    Election of Executive Committee.

17a).  Appointment of Executive Chairman and Deputy Chairman.

18).    Annual Meeting to reconvene to be informed of the results of the appointments.

19).    Installation of Presidential Officers.



a).      General Meeting

The elected delegates who form the Executive Committee shall  during

an adjournment of the Annual Meeting, convene to elect the Executive

Chairman and the Deputy Chairman.

b).      Ordinary Meetings

Ordinary Meetings of the of the Executive Committee shall be held at such date, time and venue decided by the Chairman after consultation with the Deputy Chairman or on receipt of a requisition signed by 50% of members entitled to attend. All members to receive a minimum of ten (10) days notice unless it is agreed that the notice period is waived.

c).      Chairman

The Chairman shall chair each Meeting, and in his/her absence the Deputy Chairman shall be Chairman. In the event of neither of these Officers being present, the Meeting shall elect a Chairman, but he/she shall vacate the Chair immediately on the attendance of one or other of these Officers, and the Officer so taking the Chair shall continue as Chairman for the remainder of the Meeting unless the Chairman should later arrive, in which case he/she shall hand over the Chairmanship to the Chairman.

The Chairman for the time being shall have a deliberative vote and in the event of an equality of votes he/she shall have an additional casting vote.


d).      Procedure

1).      On all questions of order, the Chairman’s decision shall be final unless dissented from by a two thirds majority of the votes of those present and entitled to vote.

  1. All questions shall be decided by a simple majority of votes cast and shall be determined by a show of hands unless it is agreed that a ballot be taken, the total votes cast for and against the motions shall be recorded.
  2. No resolution of the Committee shall be rescinded until the expiration of twelve (12) calendar months from the date of the meeting at which such resolution was carried except by a unanimous vote of all those present and entitled to vote.

e).      Minutes

The Secretary/Treasurer shall record the proceedings of the Meetings of the Committee and incorporate them in the Council Minute Book as soon as possible after the conclusion of each meeting a copy of the Minutes shall be forwarded to all delegates. A further copy of these minutes will be distributed to the Secretary/Chief Executive Officer of all Member National Authorities , other classes of Member and delegates prior to the Council Annual Meeting

f).       The Executive Committee is empowered to appoint sub-committees to assist in achieving the Objects of the Council. No decision of the sub-committee will come into effect until ratified by the Executive Committee.



a).      The Council shall have power to:

  1. Appoint a Council Secretary/Treasurer and Assistant Secretary.
  1. Pay such Honoraria and expenses to the Council Secretary/Treasurer and Assistant Secretary as it decides.
  1. Appoint independent Auditors.
  1. Fix the annual amount to be paid by each Member National Authority and other classes of Member for the next ensuing year.
  1. Appoint Honorary Life Members.
  1. Co-opt to the Council anyone whose professional expertise is necessary to the proper functioning of the Council. The person/persons co-opted will be advisers but shall have no vote.
  1. Formulate By-Laws deemed necessary for the administration of the Council.
  1. Deal with all matters submitted to it for consideration by Member National Authorities.
  1. Generally make decisions and exercise control in all matters that do not come within the sphere of Member National Authorities.

b).      The Council shall have, and be at all times entitled to exercise, supreme control in all matters set out in sub-Clause (a) hereof, and may, without prejudice to its paramount authority, delegate the exercise of any powers to the Executive Committee on such terms and for such period as it thinks fit, provided that the Committee so appointed shall submit to the next Annual Meeting a full report on its activities and if appropriate ratification of decisions taken by the Committee on the Council’s behalf.



a).      The Executive Committee shall have such powers as are specifically assigned to them by this Constitution.

b).      To issue Licences in conjunction with World Bowls Limited and approve the holding of International and/or World matches, Tournaments and Competitions involving all Member National Authorities and other classes of Members.

c).      The Executive shall have the power to appoint a Tournament Director and any other employees deemed necessary to carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the Council, determine contracts of employment, and agree the remuneration to be paid in consideration for the services provided.

d).      The Executive Committee shall have the powers to conduct either directly, through the Tournament Director or a suitable Agent, negotiations for Sponsorship, Television rights and coverage and any other contracts deemed to be to the advantage and benefit of the Council, its members and Indoor Bowls generally.

e).      Subject to the paramount control of the Council, the Executive Committee shall also have power to deal with all routine and urgent matters arising between Annual Meetings of the Council except alterations or amendments to the Constitution and the election of Life Members. All decisions of the Executive Committee shall remain valid unless set aside by resolution of the Council.

f).       The Executive Committee shall submit to each Annual Meeting of the Council a full report on their activities since the previous Annual Meeting.


a).      The Quorum for all meetings of the Council and any Committees of the Council shall be one more than half the number of persons entitled to vote, provided that should a half be a fraction of a number, the quorum shall be the next whole number.

b).      No business shall be transacted at any Annual, Special or Committee Meeting unless a quorum shall be present.

If within an hour after the time appointed for a meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened by requisition of members as hereinbefore provided, shall be dissolved. If otherwise convened, it shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week (or if a public holiday in the country the meeting is being held to the next working day) at the same time and place and no notice of adjournment need be given.


a).      Any Member National Authority desirous of sending an official team to the territory of another National Authority shall, before finalising arrangements for the visit, obtain the approval of the Council.

b).      Any approval of the Council to visits under sub-clause (a) hereof shall be subject to such conditions as the Council may decide. Unless otherwise agreed to by the National Authorities involved, all games during the visit shall be played under the World Bowls Limited Laws of the Sport of Bowls.

c).      All applications involving the four Member Authorities in the British Isles shall be governed by the same conditions as set out in sub-Clause (a) and (b) hereof.

  1. Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this sub-Clause, the Council’s approval shall be required to the holding of any Bowls Match, Tournament or Competition which is organised to cater for members of more than one National Authority. In such cases all games shall be played under the World Bowls  Limited Laws of the Sport , any other conditions of play must be approved by the Council. The Council may delegate to any National Authority permission to organise and conduct any such match, Tournament or Competition.
  1. No approval of the Council shall be required to the holding of any Bowls Match, Tournament or Competition by any National Authority (or any of its affiliated bodies) which is normally arranged as part of its fixtures for members in that National Authorities territory

d).      Any breach of the foregoing provisions of the Clause by a National Authority shall be regarded as a breach of this Constitution and shall be dealt with by the Council under the provisions of Clause 4(f) hereof, and any breach by any other body or person shall be dealt with by the National Authority or Body which is in direct control of the defaulter as if it were a breach of the Constitution or Rules of such Authority or Body.



The Council may grant Honorary Life Membership to any member of a Club affiliated with or under the control of a Member National Authority whose position among bowlers or whose services in the interests of the Sport shall entitle him/her to such a distinction. Any proposal to confer Life Membership shall be brought before an Annual  Meeting by the Executive Committee, a motion to this effect requires the support of two thirds of the votes of delegates present personally or by proxy and entitled to vote.



a).      At each Annual Meeting the Council shall fix an annual subscription for each Founder, Full and Associate Member.

b).      The subscription fixed shall be payable for the next financial year of the Council ending 30th June which follows the Annual Meeting, and shall be due and payable to the Secretary/Treasurer not later than the 31st October of each year.

c).      As soon as possible after every Annual Meeting the Secretary/Treasurer shall notify each National Authority of the amount of the subscription due, but any failure of the Secretary/Treasurer to do so, or any non-receipt of such notice, shall not exempt a National Authority from the provisions of sub-Clause (d) hereof.

d).      Should any Member National Authority fail to pay its annual subscription by the due date, it may be precluded from exercising any rights under this constitution and may be debarred from entering its members in any International or World Competition held under the auspices of the Council. No delegate or proxy delegate representing such National Authority shall be entitled to exercise any vote at any meeting or at any election or take part in any discussion at a meeting of the Council or Committee of the Council.


          The Council shall reserve the right to request that each Member National Authority forward an annual statistical return to the Secretary/Treasurer of the Council, so as to reach him/her not later than the 31st July. This return shall be in the form prescribed b the Council and shall state inter alia the latest figures available (as at 30th April) of the Clubs and members whereof affiliated to or under he control of the National Authority. The return shall contain a certificate as to the correctness thereof signed by the President and Secretary of the National Authority.


a).      The Laws of the Sport of Bowls as approved by  World Bowls Limited shall be observed in all International Games and Matches and in all World Championships and Tournaments held under the auspices of the International Indoor Bowls Council.

b).      Should a Member National Authority wish to rescind, amend or add to the Laws of the Sport of  Bowls, the request must be submitted by a delegate from a Member National Authority, or by an authorised Sub-Committee to any General Meeting. If the submission is approved by the meeting it will be forwarded to appropriate World Bowls Limited Committee for discussion.

  1. BY-LAWS

a).      The Council may from time to time determine such By-Laws as it deems fit for the control of matters within the scope of, but not specifically covered by this Constitution. Such By-Laws shall be binding on all delegates and Member National Authorities , unless otherwise specified.

b).      The provisions of Clause 24, sub-Clause (c ) shall apply mutatis mutandis to any alteration of By-Laws.


a).      The Executive Committee shall adjudicate upon and determine any difference or controversy that may arise between one National Authority and another. It shall likewise deal with any question as to the meaning or interpretation of any Clause in the Constitution.

b).      The subject of difference or appeal shall be stated fully in writing to the Secretary/Treasurer of the Council who shall forthwith send a copy to each member of the Executive Committee. If it cannot reach a decision by correspondence , the Committee may defer the matter until its next meeting. The Committee may call for such further information as it deems necessary to enable it to reach a decision.

c).      Either party to the difference or any person aggrieved by the decision of the Executive Committee may appeal to the Council. The decision of the Council shall be final.


The Council may, pursuant to a resolution passed at an Annual Meeting, or a Special General Meeting from time to time, borrow for the purposes of the Council from any persons, firms or corporations , any sums of money without security or upon the security of all or any part of its real and personal assets and effects whatsoever and wheresoever both present and future either under mortgages or charges with or without the power of sale or other usual powers, or by the issue of debentures, debenture bonds, obligations or any other form of  security of the Council created or issued generally upon such terms and conditions as the Council thinks fit.


The Council shall have power:

a).      To purchase, take on lease, hire or otherwise acquire and hold, real and personal property, rights and privileges which the Council may think necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Council.

b).      To sell, mortgage, charge or otherwise dispose of any property of the Council, and to grant such rights and privileges thereover in such manner as the Council may from time to time think necessary and proper.


Council shall have power to invest the funds of the Council upon such securities and upon such conditions from time to time as the Council shall approve.


The Executive Committee shall have a duty to insure:

a).      The property of the Council.

b).      Persons representing the Council against accident, sickness and loss of property in transit.

c).      Against all such other contingencies and risks as it shall deem appropriate.


The Council and each and every Member or Officer thereof shall be sufficiently indemnified by and out of the funds of the Council against any loss, damage, expenses or liability incurred by reason of or in connection with any legal proceedings instituted against them or any of them for any act done, omitted or suffered in relation to the performance of their official duties.


The Provision of Clause 21 Sub-Clauses (b) and (c ) shall apply mutatis mutandis to any alteration of this Constitution. Any alteration shall not become effective until the expiration of one month from the date of adoption.


If at any General Meeting a resolution of the Council is passed by a majority of the Members present and entitled to vote and if that resolution is confirmed by a resolution passed by a majority of three quarters of the Members present and entitled to vote at the Special General Meeting held not less than one month after the meeting, the Executive Committee must immediately or at such future date as is specified in the Resolution proceed to realise the property of the Council, and after due discharge of all liabilities must divide the remainder equally or as decided by the Council, amongst the Member National Authorities as at the date of the Special General Meeting referred to above.

Upon the completion of the division, the Council will be dissolved.


If any matter shall arise which is not, or which in the opinion of the Executive Committee is not, provided for under this Constitution, the same shall be determined by the Executive Committee in such manner as they deem fit, and every such determination shall be binding upon the Council unless and until set aside by the Council in General Meeting.


The Constitution of the Council as operative at the date of adoption of the Constitution herein is hereby repealed but all existing appointments to Office and all acts of authority which originating thereunder and are subsisting or are in force on the coming into operation of this Constitution shall endure as if they had been originated under this Constitution.

Constitution as approved at the General Meeting on 11th April 2018.



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